"It's called cake batter 'cause it's so sweet" says My Man Michael M.
This mixtape should be the soundtrack to every party you go to this year, it's got some crazy Knife remixes I've never heard before, a wicked Klaxons re-edit and enough sexy electronica to melt your face off.
Also, Teddybears, Jenny Wilson, Lo-Fi-Fnk and more
My good friend Tina P. said, "Mixtapes are like the modern love letter". But I think mixtapes are much more than that, I think a sincere mixtape can be a heartfelt apology as well.
I want this one to say,
"I took your charm, empathy and beauty for granted. I took only what I wanted and moved on without you.
Few people other than Will M., this week's mixtapecult contibuter, can get away with such outrageous comment! (Though he never actually said it) He was the chap who sported retro garb and listened to seemingly random 80's music well before its recent revival. Sure, you may have thought his tastes were odd then but now, I bet you wouldn't think twice about running out to buy a brand new, "distressed" Live Aid '85 replica tee from some high street vendor!
He sent me this aptly named mixtape late last year. It features submissions from Boards of Canada (labelmates with Squarepusher/Aphex Twin), Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine and others. I could write pages about the solid fuzzy soundscapes, the impassioned vocals, the droning guitars and so on, but I would rather you just hit play!
I was digging through my cd's when i found this ethereal gem. This is "side one" from a cd Charles B gave me this as I left England. I believe this was the very first mixtape I ever recieved as a gift. It's a little different from the other mixes I've put up, as Charles B. made it during a period where he played/listened to Ravel(extremely talented french classical composer fyi) obsessively. I remember listening to Charles play "Jeux D'Eau" in the recital room during Wednesday activities. He made me this mix as a going away present and I'm very fond of it.
I've unfortunately lost the tracklist and I'm not sure who/what else is in the compilation (I'll see if I can get it from Charles). But as the title suggests, the CD is certainly very relaxing and should be listened to with headphones while lounging on some idyllic beach somewhere exotic... Need I say "Enjoy"?